Natasha Khan of Bat For Lashes recently directed a fifteen-minute short film titled "I Do" for the love themed feature Madly. One of six shorts included in the project, Khan's celluloid vision explores "modern love" in a way that the singer-songwriter described as "very countryside, weird, English, surreal" in a recent interview with Pitchfork.
Centered around a bride on the day of her wedding, the film's protagonist is faced with her past through an encounter with a phantasmal being and all the subsequent symbolism that often accompany hauntings. Undoubtedly as literal as it is metaphorical, the bride-to-be finds herself in the midst of an otherworldly yet emotively shaking scenario, leaving her to decide what will come next in terms of her imminent nuptials and yet to be defined future. Thankfully far from straightforward, her latest cinematic narrative reportedly leaves its audience wondering what the film's main protagonist's fate. Known for her ability lyrical surrealism and evocative imagery on 2012's The Haunted Man and 2009's Two Suns, Khan's film short is seamlessly and thematically synonymous with her indie meets baroque pop ballads.
In addition to Madly, Khan is also at work on Gotcha, a Film4 short commissioned in 2014 and appeared in Under the Indigo Moon, a fashion film that she assisted in crafting the soundtrack for alongside Beck. In addition to on-screen projects, the multi-talented performer debuted her latest music project, Sexwitch, earlier this month at the Green Man Festival in Wales. The brainchild of producer Dan Carey and the kraut rock outfit Toy, Sexwitch is a definite psych rock dream come true for fans of Bat For Lashes' back catalog.
Set to perform as headliners for London's XOYO Festival next month, the band also plans to release their debut self-titled LP on September 25th which will include the trippy anthem "Helelyos" in addition to five other tracks.
View the trailer for Madly here.
Watch Kahn performing "Kassidat El Hakka” with Sexwitch below:
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