Miley Cyrus throws shade at Katy Perry, John Mayer on Twitter after 'Bangerz' Tour kiss

Is there a new musical feud on the horizon? Though they just locked lips last month, but now pop superstars Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus seem to be at odds over the Bangerz Tour smooch-a-roo.

The two singers originally locked lips at Cyrus' Los Angeles concert on Feb. 22, where Perry was a first row spectator. The relatively deep kiss sent Cyrus into a tizzy. According to E! Online, she declared "I just kissed a girl and I really like it a lot," harkening back to Perry's breakthrough hit.

Soon after though, on press in Australia, Perry opened up about the kiss, saying she refused to, well, open up. "I just walked up to her to give her like a friendly girly kiss, you know, as girls do, and then she like tried to move her head and go deeper and I pulled away," Perry said, according to E!. "God knows where that tongue has been...We don't know! That tongue is so infamous!"

Seems like Cyrus doesn't like that fact that Perry kiss and told. Today (March 6), two weeks post-kiss, she threw hella shade at Perry and her newly ex-boyfriend John Mayer on her official Twitter account.

"Girl if ur worried abt where tongues have been good thing ur ex boo is ur EX BOO cause we ALL know where THAT [tongue] been," Cyrus sub-tweeted before getting a little more direct with Perry.

"Dontchyouuuu act like you didn't lurvvvvv it," she wrote alongside a bit of fan art (pictured above).

Hopefully, this mini-feud doesn't escalate to Sinead O'Connor levels and these pop stars can, well, kiss and make up.

Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, John Mayer
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