Premiere: Papadosio 'Glimpse Of Light' Music Video

Asheville, North Carolina-based indie-jam band Papadosio have gained acclaimed over the past decade for a steady stream of releases and exciting and unpredictable sets. They are looking to release their biggest project yet - a brand new album titled Extras In A Movie in a month on Oct. 2 and have already unveiled the first single "Glimpse of Light." We are proud to exclusively present the music video for "Glimpse Of Light," which should be viewed in HD. Pre-order the album here and you will receive "Glimpse Of Light" instantly.

Papadosio guitarist, Anthony Thogmartin describes the idea behind the trippy visuals.

"The middle of the song was written to sound like a cathartic epiphany, lyrically and musically. In order to properly dramatize that in the video, we had to exercise lots of restraint until the right time. Conceptually, the characters were made to look lost and blind, yet perceivably aware of something just under the surface of their consciousness. The blindfolds and tape seemed like a great way to show this as one can imagine, going from blindness to finally "seeing the light" must be exhilarating and rapturous to say the least. So we took a projector and a green screen and went to town on trying to create visually what the song sounded like."

We asked Thogmartin to give fans a little preview of what to expect from that album.

"Fans can expect variety. There are folk songs, rock songs, electronic songs, bar tunes, extended progressive epics, and two minute long micro tunes," he explains. "Our thing as a band has always been to be somewhat of a variety show, not limiting ourselves to genre or sound, always honoring the purity of the idea and letting it happen without asking ourselves, 'Is this Papadosio?' This album will be the purest exposé of our inspiration to date."

They chose "Glimpse Of Light" because it was going to be a way to introduce the newness of their upcoming album.

"We wanted to bring something unexpected to the table as our initial song. GOL is a bit more aggressive sounding than most of our material and has a deep sense of newness. The video concept was conceived very early in the development of the song and therefore felt like a solid choice. We also hoped it would speak to people who really feel connected to the lyrics, as we try to access and challenge deeper emotions with our art. "

They will be heading out on tour this fall in support of the album and you can check out the complete list of dates here.

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