Annie Clark, also known as St. Vincent, recently starred in a short documentary during a visit to her home state Texas. Filmed by Alan Del Rio Oritz for Nowness, the short, appropriately titled Lonestar features clips of the "Digital Witness" singer performing the National Anthem, talking about her connection to music and traversing the Texan landscape in a Jeep then on foot in the nude.
"I think there are things that you just can't explain about a place," Clark said in the blurb for the film. "Music is one of those things that the more you give to it, the more you get back from it."
A relevant quote for the mood cast by her recent cinematic performance, St. Vincent's connection to Texas is apparent throughout the four minute short which couples snapshots of her live performances with images of the Texan landscape.
The mini-documentary recreates a scene from St. Vincent's "Rattlesnake" and captures Clark's attendance at a local baseball game in addition to presenting viewers with a mesmerizing clip of the performer dancing. As she moves her body, her narration explores her fascination with human nature. "There's nothing more interesting to me than human nature, because it's infinitely strange and just infinitely fascinating."
Referring to her childhood in Texas as "informative," the indie rock starlet expressed her love for her home state in a recent interview with NME. " I have a whole lot of love for Texas still, you know, roots, and friends, family, connections..." she said. "It was incredibly formative. I feel super, super blessed - which is not a word I even use - to have met them in the suburbs of Dallas, Texas and to have forged such a strong bond. We were kind of outsiders, and we had to find our way through the malaise of suburban Texas childhood."
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