Demi Lovato criticizes Lady Gaga SXSW throw up stunt

Lady Gaga's shocking vomit stunt at SXSW earlier this week didn't just make music critics and fans raise their eyebrows, it's also getting some visible criticism from one of the Mother Monster's fellow singers. Yesterday (Mar. 15), Demi Lovato criticized the performance on Twitter, saying it glamorized and encouraged eating disorders.

"Sad... As if we didn't have enough people glamourizing eat disorders already. Bottom line, it's not 'cool' or 'artsy' at all," she wrote in response to the controversial performance. "Would you let someone bring a needle and shoot up on you? Addiction is addiction."

After Twitter user @kingsleyyy defended Gaga's performance, citing that Gaga suffered from bulimia in the past and made a speech about the disorder before the stunt, Lovato remained firm in her position, saying that didn't make it right, nor did Millie Brown's status as an artist make it OK.

She then went on to make an impassioned statement about the way that music fans can interpret these performances, saying that the line between something being art, self destructive and "cool" is quite blurry and confusing for consumers.

"All I'm saying is, artists in pop culture have influence on people.. Some of which are people who aren't capable of understanding the art that is that is expressed by their idols. Young people who are struggling to figure out their identities are seriously influenced by the things they see their idols do. Whether we intend to or not, artists influence people of ALL ages and unfortunately what people see, people do. Hair, clothes and sometimes misinterpreting things, therefore using the excuse of art to engage in self-destructive behaviors," she wrote. "I've been through a s*** ton.. More than any of you know, and I sympathize for everyone's struggle. But people emulate what they see celebrities do or let happen. And that's why I had to say something.. to let the people who don't understand the art in it, that bulimia isn't cool, and it won't get you on stage with your favorite artist. I can't NOT say anything because I stand up for what I believe in and speak out about mental illnesses. You're right, nobody asked my opinion but pop culture is a huge part in leading our generation, we have to continue to strive to change the world. No hate, no shade, just love."

Lovato has struggled with addiction and self-harm, a fight she's been very open about in the past with her fans.

And just because she's calling out Gaga for this performance, don't call this a feud, she noted that she still remains a "little monster."

Demi Lovato, Lady Gaga
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