Kim Kardashian, along with three of her sisters, launched the long-awaited debut of their respective websites and apps on Monday, Sept. 14. The Keeping Up With the Kardashians star is taking fans deep inside of her crazy world, with behind the scenes footage of special events, photo shoots and exciting daily access to her life. She decided to kick things off with some intimate details about how insecure she felt her first time being pregnant, looking to older sister Kourtney Kardashian for inspiration, as well as, how she managed to find her very own personal maternity fashion with baby number two. Kim also explained why she wears "long coats to cover her fat arms and ass" in the summer time.
There's no doubt, style runs deep in the Kardashian-Jenner dynasty. In fact, each sister has been influenced by the others with their daring looks, flawless makeup and abundance of accessories. Kim recently revealed she drew inspiration from big sister, Kourtney, when it came to pregnancy style because the media and fans alike would rave about her amazing fashion sense and how she accentuated her belly. Unfortunately, Kim quickly found out that what works for one person doesn't always work for another. People shared excerpts from the website about her newfound style.
"Everyone used to say Kourtney had the best pregnancy style, so I would borrow a dress she wore when she was pregnant, and OMG it did not look the same!" Kim wrote on her new website and app. "The side-by-side comparisons were just not good for my soul, so I finally had to figure out my own style that worked for ME!"
After realizing copying Kourtney's pregnancy style wouldn't work for her, the 34-year-old enlisted outside help. Kim recalls going through five different stylist who each had a different take on how the social media-savvy woman should dress for success while pregnant. Since each stylist was looking to bring out their own versions of maternity chic in the reality star, Kim couldn't quite grasp a particular style because nothing was consistent.
Luckily, after many mix-and-matching attempts, Kim finally honed in on what works best for her body and image. Unlike her pregnancy style while carrying daughter North, Kim took a more seductive approach for her second pregnancy by gravitating more towards skintight pieces that accentuate her baby bump but still cover up the areas that she feel uncomfortable about.
"This time around, I know what I like - plus, I am confident and not trying to hide my bump. I actually want to accentuate it," said Kim, who will welcome a son with husband, Kanye West, in December. "And yes, long coats to cover my fat arms and ass! It's such a trip how your body grows and changes, and at the end of the day, you have to wear what you are comfortable in and what you feel good in."
Kim admitted to feeling quite cold this summer, so wearing a long coat in the blistering heat hasn't posed a problem for her. Her style palette consists of mostly black and neutral colors, unlike last year. Looking back on previous outfit choices from her first pregnancy reportedly makes her cringe. She added that her pre-eclampsia, which caused her to gain uncontrollable weight, caused her to have difficulties getting dressed.
Although heavier this time around due to the possible way boys and girls are carried in the womb, Kim is grateful for the new confidence she has found in herself, as well as in her style. With only three months left untill she reaches a full term in her pregnancy, fans are still wondering what their fashion forward son will be named.
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