Future Music Asia Festival cancels last day due to drug-related deaths; reports vary between one and six victims

Bad choices continue to give the EDM scene, especially in a festival setting, a black eye. The most recent unfortunate event reported at an electronic music festival occurred Friday at the Future Music Asia festival in Malaysia. The police force of Kuala Lumpur claimed that six people had died from drug overdoses during the second day of the event.

The statement given by senior deputy communication agent Datkuk Mohmad Salleh said "All tested positive for high levels of drugs and the deaths have been classified as overdose." Details were sparse however, as the department would only label the classify the substances involved as "methamphetamines." Three other individuals were reportedly hospitalized and listed as in critical condition following the concert.

The organizers of the event vehemently disagreed with the police force's claims however. A statement on the festival's Facebook page claimed there was only one death resulting from Friday's festivities.

"We can confirm that one death, and not five, took place on festival grounds on March 14," the statement read. "A police report has been filed and we are working very closely with all relevant authorities in examining and determining the cause of this very unfortunate incident."

The Star newspaper reported that one death occurred at the festival, and five others had died with in transport to or at local hospitals. Future Music's statement did specifically say "on festival grounds," a possible ploy to steer public opinion. The true number is difficult to gauge due to the conflicting reports, but we, and live music fans everywhere, certainly hope a smaller number rings true.

Regardless of the total count, Future Music Asia opted to cancel its Saturday performances, which were to feature a more diverse lineup including Macklemore & Ryan Lewis and Pharrell Williams. Deadmau5 and Armin Van Buuren were among the headliners during the previous days.

Future Music Festival
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