The next installment of Bob Dylan's Bootleg Series is a doozy. The Cutting Edge 1965-1966: The Bootleg Series Vol. 12 is set to bring us alternate versions and outtakes from some of Dylan's most iconic recordings including Bringing It All Back Home, Blond on Blond and Highway 61 Revisited.
These two years were some of Dylan's most formative as he made the switch to electric guitar and produced some of his most memorable and beloved songs during those sessions, including "Like A Rolling Stone," "Visions of Johanna," "Desolation Row," "Ballad of a Thin Man," "Tombstone Blues," "Maggie's Farm," "It's All Over Now Baby Blue," "Mr. Tambourine Man" and many other classic hits.
"At the beginning, most songs were fairly shapeless ... Only little by little did they come together." Dylan sideman Al Kooper said, according to Ultimate Classic Rock. The full interview will be available in the new issue of Rolling Stone, available Friday (Sept. 25).
Fans can expect early plugged-in recordings of "Mr. Tambourine Man" months before The Byrds made the yet-unreleased song a hit, alternate lyrics for "Visions of Johanna" and future members of The Band sitting in on early Blond on Blond sessions.
This series comes at a price for the hardcore fans. You can purchase four different packages including the standard two-CD set at just $20. If you want more than that though the price get steeper. The three-LP set will run you about $100 and the six-CD set comes in at $150, both of which include some nice booklets.
But for the real Dylan freaks, look no further than the limited Collector's Edition Box Set, which at $600 includes every single note recorded by Bob Dylan in the studio in 1965 and 1966, 379 tracks on 18 discs, 180 page hardcover book, the original nine mono 45 RPM singles released during the time period, a leopard skin printed spindle and a strip of film cells from an original print of the 'Don't Look Back' film.
You can view the track list for the product you're most likely to buy - the simple 2-disk set - below via Dylan's website, where you can also purchase the various sets.
The Cutting Edge 1965-1966: The Bootleg Series Vol. 12 Track List:
01. Love Minus Zero/No Limit - Take 2 (1/13/1965) acoustic
02. I'll Keep It with Mine - Take 1 (1/13/1965) piano demo
03. Bob Dylan's 115th Dream - Take 2 (1/13/1965) solo acoustic
04. She Belongs to Me - Take 1 (1/13/1965) solo acoustic
05. Subterranean Homesick Blues - Take 1 (1/14/1965) alternate take
06. Outlaw Blues - Take 2 (1/13/1965) alternate take
07. On the Road Again - Take 4 (1/14/1965) alternate take
08. Farewell, Angelina - Take 1 (1/13/1965) solo acoustic
09. If You Gotta Go, Go Now - Take 2 (1/15/1965) alternate take
10. You Don't Have to Do That - Take 1 (1/13/1965) solo acoustic
11. California - Take 1 (1/13/1965) solo acoustic
12. Mr. Tambourine Man - Take 3 (1/15/1965) with band, incomplete
13. It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry - Take 8 (6/15/1965) alternate take
14. Like a Rolling Stone - Take 5 (6/15/1965) rehearsal
15. Like a Rolling Stone - Take 11 (6/16/1965) alternate take
16. Sitting on a Barbed Wire Fence - Take 2 (6/15/1965) unreleased take
17. Medicine Sunday - Take 1 (10/5/1965) early version of Temporary Like Achilles
18. Desolation Row - Take 2 (8/4/1965) piano demo
19. Desolation Row - Take 1 (8/4/1965) alternate take
01. Tombstone Blues - Take 1 (7/29/1965) alternate take
02. Positively 4th Street - Take 5 (7/29/1965) alternate take
03. Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window - Take 1 (7/30/1965) alternate take
04. Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues - Take 3 (8/2/1965) rehearsal
05. Highway 61 Revisited - Take 3 (8/2/1965) alternate take
06. Queen Jane Approximately - Take 5 (8/2/1965) alternate take
07. Visions of Johanna - Take 5 (11/30/1965) rehearsal
08. She's Your Lover Now - Take 6 (1/21/1966) rehearsal
09. Lunatic Princess - Take 1 (1/27/1966)
10. Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat - Take 8 (2/14/1966) alternate take
11. One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later) - Take 19 (1/25/1966) alternate take
12. Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again - Take 13 (2/17/1966) alternate take
13. Absolutely Sweet Marie - Take 1 (3/7/1966) alternate take
14. Just Like a Woman - Take 4 (3/8/1966) alternate take
15. Pledging My Time - Take 1 (3/8/1966) alternate take
16. I Want You - Take 4 (3/10/1966) alternate take
17. Highway 61 Revisited - Take 7 (8/2/1965) false start
All tracks previously unreleased except Disc 1, track 2, Biograph; Disc 1, track 8, The Bootleg Series, Volume 1-3.
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