ABC's Thursday Nights shows premiered last night and they were explosive. The suspense and drama of How To Get Away With Murder, starring Emmy Award winner Viola Davis, revealed more that just who killed Rebecca. It also dropped some juicy details about Annalise Keating's past -- one that involved a sexual relationship with a woman that Keating attended law school with; that left Twitter followers in total shock, with dropped jaws to watch the two women reignite old flames.
As reported by Variety, season 2 of HTGAWM returned with a bang. So much was revealed in one epsisod that left viewers gazing at their television screens in total shock. Season 1 wrapped up with the death of Rebecca and left viewers with the "who done it" suspense. The killer was revealed in the premiere episode from last night. But what came as a total shocker was the fact that the relationship between Annalise Keating (Viola Davis) and her college friend, Eve (Famke Janssen), was more than just a friendly platonic connection and the two reignited some intimate sparks from their college days.
As TV Line reported, "their past tension isn't case-related, it's more about the fact that they were law-school lovers." The story unfolds when Keating request that her former lover help in the legal case involving her ex-boyfriend, Nate, whom she framed for the murder of her husband during season 1. After Eve agrees to take the case, then declines, Keating finds herself at her former lover's apartment, late in the evening, with conversation, drinks and a lot of kissing included.
This scene and others from last night's episode gained a reaction from Twitter followers who were compelled to comment on the night's events.
Director Debbie Allen commented:
Others chimed in as well:
The HTGAWM Twitter page must've known it was going to be intense so they tweeted this
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