Scandal star Kerry Washington and husband, actor Nnamdi Asomugha welcomed their first child, daughter Isabelle, in April 2014. With other celebrities presenting first photos of their children to the media, Washington has decided to keep her daughter out of the public eye by not showing the world her pictures. Ultimately, she wants her daughter to be known for her voice and who she is rather that how she looks.
Fans of 38-year-old Washington saw more of baby Isabelle while growing in her mother's womb rather than at the one year old mark that she is at now. The Django star told Page Six that the decision to not have her family photos and personal life made public is just who she is as a person.
"You know, I'm a really private person," she explained to a Page Six reporter at the Dee and Tommy Hilfiger's Purple Purse Allstate Foundation event. "I feel like at some point you will [see her], but for now it is what it is."
Us Weekly reported that on April 2, 2014, the couple secretly welcomed Isabelle Amarachi Asomugha to the world. It was late October that the site initially reported that the Emmy nominee was expecting and later "showed off her growing baby bump at the 2014 Golden Globe Awards on Jan. 12."
Ultimately, it's not her daughter's face that Washington wants the world to recognize about her, it's her voice. In an April interview with Marie Claire, Washington explained her hopes for her daughter. "I just want [daughter Isabelle] to know that she's heard," she told the mag. "...I feel like that is what we all really want." The mother of one shared how it was difficult for her growing up feeling like she wasn't as pretty as other girls and felt the need to develop other personality traits."
"I didn't grow up thinking I was pretty; there was always a prettier girl than me," she said. "So I learned to be smart and tried to be funny and develop the inside of me, because I felt like that's what I had."
Her hope for her daughter is that people get to know her and learn her for who she is -- the same hope she wanted as a child for herself. "When I think about any of the missteps in my life that I've made, all of which I'm grateful for, it's because I just so wanted to be truly seen and heard for who I am and was afraid I wasn't or wouldn't be," she shared. "I see you, I hear you, I'm with you as you are."
As of now, fans can only expect to see baby Isabelle out and about, fully covered in a blanket as seen in the video below.
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