Drake, Future Jumpman Video Game Is Way Too Addicting

You can kiss the rest of your workday or remaining productive hours goodbye because the new most addictive internet game is here. No it is not something from King, but Vancouver based company VTYO, which has taken the lyrics from Drake and Future's What A Time To Be Alive mixtape track "Jumpman" to new heights.

The new game is like a regular PapiJump type of game, but with a few VERY important twists. Instead of the generic and at time bothersome noise that emanates from many phone games that sounds over processed and way too bright, this relies on one simple word "Jumpman." As you jump up the course, paying attention to not hit the red trap bricks that break upon contact, the user, which plays as the head of Drake, Future or producer Metro Boomin' attempts to propel themselves to the highest score. You control your head by hitting side-to-side on the keyboard.

The entire time either Drake or Future saying "Jumpman" is the only music you will hear and it is all you will hearing for the rest of the day. Get jumping with Drake, Future or Metro Boomin through space here.

Have you had enough of "Jumpman?" Didn't think so. If you didn't want to play a game and just wanted that jumpman sound in your ears all day, some enterprising and genius young soul decided to create a 43 minute edit of Drake saying "Jumpman." Best of all it is a free download so you can take all 43-minutes of "Jumpman" on the road at any time.

Drake, Future
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