Life In Color cancels Malaysia paint party event in light of Future Music Asia incident

Life In Color, a concert promoter known for its "paint party" EDM concerts, has cancelled an event in Malaysia following the deaths of multiple concertgoers at the Future Music Asia festival in Kuala Lumpur. The company, which is owned by SFX Entertainment, made a statement that suggested it would be disrespectful to continue with the concert under current circumstances.

"With respect for the country and people of Malaysia, we are canceling the show," read the company's statement.

Indeed, among a number of deaths that have occurred at EDM concerts and festivals during the last year, Future Music Asia has been among the worst. Six attendees died from methamphetamine use during the second day of performances, and another three remained hospitalized in critical condition as of last weekend.

Initial reports from that show were confusing, as city police and concert organizers made different claims regarding the number of dead. Police claimed six deaths, but organizers refuted the charge, claiming that only one individual had died at the concert. The twist, unfortunately, was that the other five had died in transport to hospitals. The festival's third day was cancelled as a result.

The Life In Color show was also scheduled for Kuala Lumpur, although not until April 19, more than a month following the incident at Future Music. Unfortunately, we can understand why something as drastic as six deaths can deter promoters. It's a bummer for Malaysian music fans who do the smart thing at concerts. The Life In Color shows are best well known for their elaborate effects and Day-Glo paint fights. Dutch house DJ Fedde Le Grand was due to headline.

Life In Color included that fans will be able to receive refunds for purchased tickets.

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