Selena Gomez celebrated her 21st birthday with an interview with Ryan Seacrest earlier this week. In that interview, she told the host that she was indeed single despite a recent Fourth of July Instagram picture featuring her and Justin Timberlake. This photo started many rekindling relationship rumors, but Gomez disproved them. So who does she have her eye on now that she has confirmed her singleness?
When asked who her Hollywood crush is, the newly 21-year-old revealed she has a thing for Bradley Cooper. Though realizing the 38-year-old might be a little too old for her, she changed her answer to Logan Lerman. This is not the first time she has brought up Lerman, however. Back in 2010, she straight up said, "My celebrity crush is Logan Lerman."
Perhaps her single lifestyle is making her rethink some past interests?
But what is the deal with all of the reunions with Justin Bieber? The "Heartbreaker" singer has been doing some really bad things, but it looks like Gomez is always going back to him.
"Let's be honest, she can't date a regular guy, so hooking up with Justin seems safe," a source explained.
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