10 Life Lessons From Lecrae

(Photo : Reach Records)
Lecrae is an award-winning rapper, but he's also so much more. The man behind "Church Clothes" doesn't just challenge the church, he challenges himself and his fans to live a fuller life for God.

These 10 life lessons are spot on and pull no punches ...

  1. On prayer ... "Prayer doesn't bend Gods arm but it's guaranteed to bend our hearts toward His will. Worry less. Pray more."
  2. On entitlement ... "When you’re reminded that God owes you nothing you find yourself more grateful and less entitled."
  3. On eternity ... "Don’t wear your soul out chasing things you can’t keep forever."
  4. On changing the world ... "We spend so much time condemning, critiquing, and copying culture we miss on actually changing it. Be a creator not a hater."
  5. On healing ... "You can't be a part of the healing process if you run at the first sight of blood."
  6. On progress ... "If refuse to endure struggle, you refuse to embrace progress."
  7. On maturity ... "The first sign of maturity is the discovery that the volume knob also turns to the left."
  8. On truth ... "The less you spend time with truth the easier it is to believe lies."
  9. On weakness ... "There is more freedom confessing our weaknesses and shortcomings than in pretending we have it all together."

  10. On ego ... "You won't learn much listening to yourself all the time.

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