Lorde Talks Curly Hair, Synesthesia & Wanting to be a Comedian in Tumblr Chat

When one fan randomly got a response from Lorde on Tumblr, the wishful request of "talk with us on Tumblr like its 2014" sparked an unintended Q&A chat session with the "Royals" singer concerning curly hair, synesthesia and wanting to be a comedian.

Lorde, also known as Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O'Connor, happened to check her asks and made her first response to Tumblr user lordellayelich, which branched off to conversations of what she'd be doing if she wasn't involved in the music industry, supporting fans through rough patches and showing gratitude for their high praises, MTV News reports.

Responding to a fans inquiry of her life without making music, she explained that she'd be "at uni studying law," and further revealed that she wanted to be a comedian. "I actually found an old scrapbook from when I was maybe 7 or 8 that said 'future job' and i had written COMEDIAN???????????" she posted to her personal Tumblr. "Which is so mental i'm not even funny ha wtf who did i think i was bloody any schumer or some sh*t???????" the "Pure Heroine" singer continued.

Lorde told another user that "having curly hair is the coolest sh*t" after the fan wrote, "You give self-confidence to curly haired girls." She continued to say that the bigger hair is the better and that she even cut her hair shorter to reach its maximum cuteness and volume. She further discussed with fans that she's synesthetic, a neurological condition that allows people to experience senses different ways. Lorde's being that she can see sounds as colors, although she is one of the lucky ones whose synesthesia is not debilitating.

"When we first started tennis court we just had that pad playing the chords, and it was the worst textured tan colour, like really dated, and it made me feel sick, and then we figured out that pre chorus and i started the lyric and the song changed to all these incredible greens overnight!!!" she detailed.

The 18-year-old singer recently teamed up with Disclosure to be featured on the popular single "Magnets," found on the electronic music duo's second studio album, Carcal. The New Zealand native also appeared in the track's music video as the unknowing "other woman" in a cheating scandal. When she realizes the situation at hand, she takes revenge by binding him to a chair and tossing him into a swimming pool.

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Lorde, Tumblr
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