The Flaming Lips try Pink Floyd again with 'Flaming Side of The Moon' companion album

What do you do when the grooves of your favorite record have worn down from constant play? You make a new version of that album. It's not much of a secret that the Flaming Lips are huge fans of Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of The Moon: The band did its own version of the classic record during 2009, resulting in Flaming Lips and Stardeath and White Dwarfs with Henry Rollins and Peaches Doing The Dark Side of The Moon. The Flaming Lips have taken a more imaginative route for its most recent project however.

Flaming Side of The Moon, the new release, is a companion album to the Pink Floyd record, meaning it's meant to be listened to at the same time. Sound familiar? The popular rumor is that the original Dark Side syncs up with the film The Wizard of Oz. The difference is that the Flaming Lips have confirmed its album is meant for watching with Oz, so yes, you could theoretically watch The Wizard of Oz while listening to both albums at the same time.

"Designed as an immersive companion piece to the original 1973 album, Dark Side of the Moon listeners are encouraged to listen to the new Lips album while listening to Dark Side at the same time," reads a press release from the Lips. "Flaming Side of the Moon was also carefully crafted to sync up perfectly with the 1939 film, The Wizard of Oz. For ideal listening conditions, fans are encouraged to seek out the original Alan Parsons' engineered quadraphonic LP mix of Dark Side, but it will work with the album on any format."

The album will only be available digitally, unless you happen to be a friend or family member of the band, in which case you might be able to get your hands on one of the 100 vinyl copies of the album made.

The Flaming Lips, Pink Floyd
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