Tom Ford, iconic fashion designer and filmmaker, has decided to include a shade of lipstick dedicated to the popular entertainer and "Hotline Bling" rapper Drake in his new "Lips & Boys" collections, according to AllHipHop. The Drake-shade, which errs between Burgundy and maroon, is apart of a 50-shade collection that pays tribute to important men in the fashion designer's life, as People reports. "Lips & Boys" will be available for purchase on Oct. 30th. You can wear OVO's own on your lips for $52 a piece. Previously only available for a limited amount of time, this collection became so successful that Ford decided to make it a permanent fixture of his signature line.
This is welcome news for Drake fans, who have wanted to express their fandom through fashion. Many remember his verse on "Just Hold On, We're Going Home" in which he sang, "You're everything that I see / I want to wear your pigmentation / flawlessly," Now, it seems, fans will actually have the chance to "wear Drake".
The lipstick will come in standard and mini-size, and will fit perfectly in anyone's lipstick collection.
While the news is exciting for fashion enthusiasts, it may come as a disappointment for those who feel that Drake is too "soft" to be considered a top rapper. However, considering the notable transition from Hip-Hop to fashion as displayed by Kanye West and A$AP Rocky, Drake's lipstick seems to match the trend and continue the marriage between the two industries.
Drake has had an extremely busy year, releasing a slew of popular new tracks and involving himself in a beef with Meek Mill. The rapper has catapulted to the top of the charts and news pages with his artistry and high-profile personal life. His new lipstick will only add to the entertainer's massive popularity as of late.
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