Comedian and actor Eddie Murphy is expecting another child with his girlfriend of four years, Paige Butcher. The Nutty Professor actor and his model girlfriend are reportedly expecting their first child together as a couple, according to Rolling Out, but Murphy is not new in his role as a father. According to the site, Murphy already has eight other children from his previous marriage and former relationships. The baby with Butcher will make number nine for the actor and the first for the Australian model.
E Online reported the exciting news for the couple whose rep made the announcement of the pregnancy in an official public statement, saying they "are pleased to announce that they are expecting a child in May." No reports on whether the child will be a girl or a boy. Murphy already has four boys and four girls.
According to E, the 54-year-old has five children; three girls and two boys, with ex-wife Nicole Murphy, who starred on the reality show, Atlanta Exes. The children range in age from 25 to 13 years old. He has another daughter with former Spice Girls member, Mel B. His two other sons are from previous relationships and are both over the age of twenty.
Needless to say, Murphy has a lot of responsibilities on his plate and he's handling them all by remaining a working actor, producer and writer for major motion pictures. His latest project is in film in the works that highlights the career of another legendary comedian, along with Oprah Winfrey and Mike Epps - the RIchard Pryor biopic.
According to Deadline, the Weinstein Company has already begun to move forward with the project that will tell the life story of Pryor who grew up under the care of his grandmother, a madam at a local brothel, and tell of his rise to success. Winfrey has been cast in the role of the grandmother while Murphy has been tapped to play the role of Pryor's father, Leroy "Buck Carter" Pryor. There is no reported release date on the film as of yet.
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