Mysteryland USA Will Return to Woodstock ‘69 Grounds in 2016 on a New Date

Mysteryland, the world's longest-running electronic music, culture and arts festival, has announced that it will return for its third annual U.S. edition on the grounds of the original 1969 Woodstock festival. While the event is returning to the Bethel Woods Performing Arts Center, it's not coming without some major changes in 2016. For starters, festival organizers have chosen a new date. The tens of thousands of attendees will descend upon New York's Catskills the weekend of June 10-13, rather than raving in the woods on Memorial Day Weekend like in years past.

Guess who’s baaack? Yours truly. Join us June 10-13, 2016 for three full days of mystery, mischief, and madness at Mysteryland USA!

Posted by Mysteryland USA on Thursday, November 5, 2015

As Your EDM points out, Memorial Day Weekend tends to be the kick-off point for the summer festival season, so in years past Mysteryland faced some serious competition from other festivals including EDC New York, Lightning in a Bottle, Counterpoint, Movement and Sunset Music Festival. While Bonnaroo traditionally hosts its event the same weekend as the new June dates, it's not likely to be a huge conflict for diehard electronic music fans.

According to We've Got This Covered, festival organizers decided to change the date after a series of public hearings with the Bethel Woods Planning Board that addressed a few noise complaints from nearby property owners. One can only imagine how weird it must have been for the neighbors to celebrate the holiday with a family barbeque with the thumping bass and flashing lights in the background, but fortunately for EDM fans, the Planning Board went ahead and approved the new festival dates.

Mysteryland USA also announced they are adding an official third day that will be open to all ticketholders. In years past, Friday's programming was only for limited number of attendees camping on the festival's grounds. In response to festivalgoers' feedback, organizers have announced that Friday's events will begin a bit later in the day as well in order to best accommodate attendees' work schedules and travel plans.

Additionally, the festival will now be open to fans aged 19 and up. The on-site camping areas and VIP sections will continue to be 21 and up.

Tickets go on sale this coming week for those who attended in the past. For more information, head to the festival's website.

Watch the aftermovie from last summer's edition of Mysteryland USA below.

Mysteryland, Mysteryland USA, Woodstock
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