Despite being divorced for over 24 years now, rumors revolving around David Justice's high-profile marriage with actress Halle Berry still haunts him. In a recent interview with People, the former Atlanta Braves all-star opens up and talks about his relationship with Berry, the abuse allegations, starting a Twitter war and more.
The former baseball player was married to the Academy Award-winning actress for five years, calling it quits in 1997. Berry filed a restraining order against Justice, accusing him of stalking her outside of their former home for four hours demanding to retrieve his belongings. Berry's restraining order request also claims Justice threatened to break all of her windows and break down the door if he wasn't granted entry, according to reports by People.
Justice denied the incident, recalling Berry overreacting over the situation and deeming her as an extremely jealous woman. In an interview with Parade magazine, the 49-year-old actress admitted her split from the man she once called her "prince on a white horse" ultimately led to her suicide attempt.
"For so many years, there has been this cloud upon the guys who were associated with Halle back then," Justice told People. "Halle has said that she was in abusive relationships but she didn't name who the abuser was, so for many years I know a lot of people thought it was me."
A violent reputation began to surround him. Although Justice has acknowledged that Berry has never accused him of physically assaulting her in any way, not everyone is completely convinced. Justice remembers fans heckling during games him about the rumors and saying things like, "Hey Justice, hit the ball like you hit Halle!" A flight attendant once asked him, "Aren't you the guy who hit Halle Berry?"
Justice made headlines recently after he publicly voiced his opinion via Twitter regarding Berry's most recent divorce from French actor Olivier Martinez and the negative images her exes are plagued with after the relationships end. He also used the tweets to deny hitting his ex-wife. The majority of the tweets have since been deleted.
"All I was trying to do was let the world know that David Justice is not the person who hit her on her head and caused her hearing loss," Justice told People regarding his tweets. "Not only did David Justice not do that, David Justice never hit her, period."
The 49-year-old husband and father of three insists he doesn't hate Berry, his main mission is to finally set the record straight about his relationship with her. As his children continue to get older (David Jr., 15, Dionisio, 13 and Raquel, 11) he is determined to keep his children from reading anything negative about their father.
For now, Justice is "satisfied" to finally tell his side of the story, but wishes Berry would speak out about who really hit her to clear everyone else's names.
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