Presentation to cancel Ultra 2015 is pushed back by Miami mayor Tomás Regalado, EDM organizers celebrating

EDM events are in a bad position at the moment, thanks to the rash of drug-related and anything-related deaths that have been occurring at concerts and festivals around the world. Ultra, one of the largest electronic dance events in the United States, merited more headlines because the casualty was a security guard trampled by gate-crashers and entered into a Miami hospital in critical condition. Miami's mayor and other officials made it known their wishes to shut down Ultra for 2015, but an announcement on Friday has EDM fans celebrating and anti-Ultra groups fearing the worst.

The issue was meant to be discussed at a City Commission meeting on Friday, possibly resulting in an initial decision to cancel next year's event. However, two of the leaders behind the movement to black Ultra, Mayor Tomás Regalado and city Commissioner Marc Sarnoff, opted to postpone their presentation until April 24.

"We heard the concerns of every commissioner, the chairman, Commissioner Suarez, in terms of the wording of the motion, and everybody wants to discuss, I would love to discuss Ultra," Regalado said. "But I think that it satisfies everyone if we discuss this on the next commission meeting."

Ultra organizers are pretty confident following that announcement, and they released their own celebratory statement on the event's Facebook page. They know what the politicians are already thinking: Follow the money. The Greater Miami and Beaches Hotel Association has thrown its support behind Ultra, as well as numerous businesses in the downtown area. Regalado and other anti-Ultra key have to swallow their concerns with the festival if they're going to keep the support of local business.

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