'Charmed' Rose McGowan Calls Out Caitlyn Jenner: 2015 Woman of the Year Award Speech Backlash

Caitlyn Jenner's acceptance speech during Glamour magazine's 2015 Women of the Year Awards has rubbed a few people the wrong way, even receiving a series of backlash on Twitter. So who just joined the list of people to speak out against her? On Monday (Nov. 16), Charmed star Rose McGowan took to Facebook to call out Jenner by voicing her opinion on certain aspects of her speech.

On Monday (Nov. 9), Glamour held its 25th annual award ceremony recognizing prominent women in fashion, sports, activism, politics, business, entertainment, and much more. Caitlyn Jenner, nicknamed "the transgender champion," was honored for her courage and strength during her public male-to-female transition.

The 66-year-old gold medal Olympian said, "The hardest part about being a woman is figuring out what to wear."

Although several other female leaders were celebrated that night (like Misty Copeland, Jennifer Lawrence, and the Charleston church survivors), it was this particular statement in Jenner's speech that caught many viewers and fans off guard. McGowan believes Jenner doesn't fully grasp the hardships women face, according to her now-deleted Facebook post.

"Caitlyn Jenner, you do not understand what being a woman is about at all," McGowan wrote in her Facebook. "You want to be a woman and stand with us- well learn us. We are more than deciding what to wear. We are more than the stereotypes foisted upon us by people like you. You're a woman now? Well f—king learn that we have had a VERY different experience than your life of male privilege."

The 42-year-old actress went on to explain Jenner's lack of involvement in the fight towards gender equality and women's social issues make her somewhat undeserving of the "woman of the year" title. McGrowan insisted finding the right outfit is probably the least difficult thing women have to deal with.

A photo posted by Cash Monee (@cash_monee_) on Nov 16, 2015 at 2:45pm PST

According to Us Weekly, McGowan gave examples of a few hardships women face every day by posting graphic images to support her argument. The images, each including Jenner's quote on them, surrounded themes like rape, domestic violence, child birth, and more.

Despite being put off by Jenner's statement, she concluded her post on a a civil note. McGowan commended her for the awareness she's brought to the trans-community, but advises the I am Cait star to choose her words carefully and learn more about women's struggles.

Caitlyn Jenner
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