Court rules Katherine Jackson must pay $800,000 in legal fees for AEG Live following Michael Jackson wrongful death suit

It's been a while since we've written about the Jackson family's lawsuit against AEG Live, but things may be winding down for good. Superior Court judge Yvette Palazuelos ruled Monday that Katherine Jackson, mother of pop star Michael Jackson, should pay $800,000 of the legal fees for AEG Live, whom she had sued for allegedly negligently hiring doctor Conrad Murray.

The trial lasted for more than five months during 2013, finally ending in October. The jury ruled that AEG had not been responsible for the death, as it could not be clarified whether Jackson or the concert promoter had hired Murray. The doctor was convicted of accidental manslaughter for administering a fatal dose of the sleep aid propofol.

Katherine does not actually have a hand in the running of the Jackson estate, although funds are provided for her well-being as well as the education and well-being of his children. Still, Jackson her children brought a lawsuit worth more than $1 billion against AEG.

AEG had initially moved to had Jackson pay $1.2 million to cover its legal fees, citing costs for court filing fees and travel. The Jackson's attorney's argued the true amount should have been around $250,000. There has been no indication from the Jackson side that they'll fight the $800,000 ruling, although they'll review the legal language and have the potential to file an appeal.

Despite the huge number of damages requested by the Jackson family for its losses, no need to worry about Katherine and the kids. Again, both are well backed by Michael's estate. The Los Angeles Times reported earlier this year that the estate had paid off massive amounts of debt left over from the pop star's lavish lifestyle and sketchy tax reports.

Michael Jackson
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