'Prometheus' Director Reveals 'Blade Runner 2' Plot Details: Ryan Gosling Confirms Casting

In an industry of reboots, remakes and random sequels, filmmaker Ridley Scott has taken his cult classic movies into his own hands when it comes to these concepts. He reintroduced us to the Alien franchise with the prequel, Prometheus, and is currently working on Blade Runner 2, set to jump back into the iconic, dystopian story which starred Harrison Ford. This week, Scott detailed some plot details of the highly anticipated film, which will be directed by Denis Villeneuve; talking mostly about the opening sequence we'll see in theaters, which were accompanied by the news that Ryan Gosling has confirmed his casting in the project. Read more Blade Runner 2 news below!

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Apparently, the opening scene of Blade Runner 2 is actually the scrapped opener for the original film. It would appear that Scott hasn't forgotten his original idea, and is now prepared to bring it to audiences around the world.

We decided to start the film off with the original starting block of the original film. We always loved the idea of a dystopian universe, and we start off at what I describe as a 'factory farm' - what would be a flat land with farming," he revealed during a discussion at the AFI Festival, according to The Guardian.

His description is a pretty great read, detailing plenty of story points and involving Ford, so we recommend you head over to Slash Film to check it out!

Meanwhile, Ryan Gosling revealed to Collider that he has been cast in the film and that he can't really reveal anything else. Check out a clip of this interview right here:

Meanwhile, we recently reported on Scott sharing the newest title for the sequel to 2012's sci-fi epic, Prometheus. Though it was originally called Alien: Paradise Lost, Scott has retitled it Alien: Covenant. Plus, the acclaimed director also revealed the plot synopsis of the highly anticipated sequel, set to help tell the prequel story for Alien. Read all about this movie news right here!

Ridley Scott, Ryan Gosling
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