Man Changes Peking Duk Wikipedia Page To Get Back Stage At Show

Fans have been trying to get past security and to their favorite bands forever. To make this happen, fans have lies, cheated, exchanged favors bribed and done just about anything to try and get a few moments with their musical heroes. A new method has been deployed by an Australian man to get back stage at a Peking Duk show. As described by the group themselves, one David Sparo edited Peking Duk's Wikipedia Page and used that as a way back stage to have a time with them.

Sparo apparently edited the Wikipedia page to include himself in the brother duo as a member of their family. He then showed this to a security guard and convinced him it was legit, because actually most things on Wikipedia are real. Once past the guard, Sparo made his way into the artist green room and just sat down to have a beer with the guys. As the meme and caption would indicate, Peking Duk dub the stunt legendary and aren't even mad about it.

Hopefully we don't see more individuals try this out because some fans are crazy and will do some unsafe things when near their favorite artists compared to just having a beer. Also it would be a shame to have a bunch of copycats out there when innovation is always good.

last night someone edited our wikipedia page to say he was our family. showed security at our show, got into the green room and had a beer with the boys.. Spargo you legend

Posted by Peking Duk on Wednesday, December 2, 2015

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