The basis for the film Midnight Rider has requested that its director call off the production. Gregg Allman, frontman for the iconic Allman Brothers rock group, has requested via an open letter that Randall Miller cancel work on the film following the death of camera assistant Sarah Jones during shooting. Allman acknowledged that he had been excited to see his memoir My Cross To Bear turned into a movie, but it didn't seem right in light of recent events.
"When the idea of you producing the film first came about, I was genuinely excited about the possibility of sharing my story with fans around the world," he said. "Unfortunately, all of that changed for me on Feb. 20 of this year," he wrote. "While there may have been a possibility that the production might have resumed shortly after that, the reality of Sarah Jones' tragic death, the loss suffered by the Jones family and injuries to the others involved has led me to realize that for you to continue production would be wrong."
No word has been given on whether shooting will continue following the February incident, but things aren't looking good for its potential, regardless of Allman's opinion. Jones was struck by a train while working on a train trestle in Georgia, and both local and national authorities are investigating the incident, which may bring litigation against Unclaimed Freight Productions. Actor William Hurt was cast as Allman, but he left the production following his witnessing of the accident, which also leaves the film without a star and scenes to reshoot.
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