GOP Debate Highlights, Analysis: Marco Rubio Vs. Ted Cruz - Who Is the More Viable Candidate?

As we previously reported, the rivalry between Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz is more consequential than one may think. One represents the party's establishment, the other its base. One hopes to bridge the gap between liberals and conservatives in the general election, while the other wants to galvanize particularly conservative voters to make sure they go to the polls. However, each performed well in last night's GOP debate, making the question of their viability even more salient. However, after their respective performances last night, though Cruz is a more relentless competitor, it appears that Marco Rubio has taken a path that will prove more valuable in the coming primaries, and eventually the general. Check out our analysis and some debate highlights below.

The two junior Senators, born within six months of each other to Cuban immigrant parents, wore almost identical suits as they faced off in the Venetian in Las Vegas, Nevada. However, quickly into the debate, the two foils were promptly pinpointing their opponent's weaknesses. Said Rubio regarding Cruz's foreign policy, "You can't carpet-bomb ISIS if you don't have planes and bombs to attack them with," in reference to Cruz's recent Senate vote to significantly reduce government military expenditure.

However, as the New York Times points out, Cruz was prompt in his response, saying, "One of the problems with Marco's foreign policy is that he has far too often supported Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama undermining governments in the Middle East that have helped radical Islamic terrorists."

In a sense, Cruz's response is really an attack on his own policies. The Obama administration has largely (save certain situations) attempted to steer clear of foreign military intervention. This is not something Rubio supports, whose hawkish views have helped him in the polls. It is Cruz, on the other hand, that ran on a platform of completely stripping government of its various expenses, including the military. Like Rand Paul, Cruz is not a fan of American involvement overseas. In response to this criticism, Cruz had one, dramatic sentence. "Let's be absolutely clear. ISIS and radical Islamic terrorism will face no more determined foe than I will be."

Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz
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