deadmau5 Quits Twitter, Facebook, Unveils New Music

The past few days have been tumultuous for mau5 on social media. After a big blow up on Twitter where he hinted at ending his whole deadmau5 project, probably not to the liking of his team, he deleted all tweets from Aug. 22 until now. Today he decided enough was enough and left Twitter with one final message via YourEDM "peace out. brb. 2017" and deleted the whole account. Then after a post on Facebook, he shut that down as well.

Speaking to his fans on Reddit, he explained why, "shut down twitter. sick of these f*cking blogs, 'artists' and general f*cking idiots of the world having access to sh*t they have nothing to do with. ill remain active on here and on"

This does not mean deadmau5 will stop communicating with his fans like Daft Punk. He still has his own subscription service, where he hosts live streams for fans to ask him live questions and can watch the producer make music, smoke cigarettes, drink coca cola or play video games.

So this means less controversy surrounding deadmau5 in the coming months and possibly year, but hopefully for fans it will mean new music is being made and they might hear an album soon.

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