For years the relationship between The Kanan Tape rapper, 50 Cent and his oldest son has been a strained one. In the newest twist in the unending saga, 50 Cent posts and deletes message to estranged son, Marquise Jackson on Instagram which he must have thought twice about after commenters began to bash the rapper for being callous.
The relationship between the hip hop mogul and his first born may be beyond repair, if his latest Instagram post is any indication. After years of the rapper having a tumultuous relationship with his son's mother, Shaniqua Tompkins, the toxic nature of their relationship ultimately had a negative impact the father and son bond they once had.
Tompkins weighed in with her thoughts about 50 Cent's post and delete geared towards their son, calling the rapper out as a coward.
Prior to 50 Cent's most recent post on the topic, Jackson was a point of contention for the rapper when him and longtime nemesis Rick Ross had a war of words on Instagram back in November after the MMG boss insinuated that 50 Cent's son had applied for an internship to work with the music group. The jab didn't sit too well with 50 Cent as he revealed as much in a menacing comment he left for Ross in the comment section of his Instagram.
Back in October when spotted on the red carpet of the 2015 Hip Hop Awards, interviewers caught up with the younger Jackson to gain insight into the current status of he and his father's relationship at that time. Jackson shared that there had been no real communication between the two for sometime. However in spite of that, the young man seemed hopeful that one day they would be able to work through all of their longstanding issues.
Will these two ever be able to make amends?
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