Criticism Doesn't Put a Stop to Nicki Minaj's Angola Performance

Not much really phases Nicki Minaj. She has received criticism for dating Meek Mill. She has gotten backlash for paying her brother's bail recently. And she even has received complaints for reciting a Maya Angelou poem. But none of that has bothered her. So when the Human Rights Foundation criticized her for the Angola concert, she ignored them and performed anyway.

Minaj, known for defending herself but also being a pretty reasonable artist, performed at the Angola holiday concert gig on Saturday. The concert was hosted by Unitel, a company run by Angola's dictator, Jose Eduardo dos Santos. The dictator has been accused of corruption as well as treating the people of Angola harshly.

Days before the show, the Human Rights Foundation and the Kennedy Humans Rights Group asked Minaj to cancel the concert. "(Minaj is) callously taking money from a dictator who's been in power for nearly four decades and who has effectively and ruthlessly choked free expression," the group's Africa Policy Director, Jeffrey Smith told the Daily News' Confidenti@l page. Despite all of that, Minaj ignored the criticism and put on a good show.

She even posted photos of herself with the Angola flag to thank her fans.

 Reppin the flag on my back. ANGOLA I LOVE UUUUUUUUUUUUU. THANK UUUUUUUU!!!!!!!! Muuuuaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!

A photo posted by Nicki Minaj (@nickiminaj) on Dec 19, 2015 at 2:27pm PST

It seems as Minaj is just focusing on her music and many other endeavors. On Friday, she announced that 11-year-old, Ariana Neal will be playing the role of "Nicki" in her ABC Sitcom, Nicki. Selita Banks will play Minaj's mother, Grace and Wesley Jonathan will play Minaj's father, Vincent. Whoopi Goldberg will play the neighbor and Minaj will also make some appearances. The show is about Minaj's life before becoming a rapper.

Nicki Minaj
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