Selena Gomez Sexy 'Hands To Myself' Music Video is Sure to Make Justin Bieber Jealous

Selena Gomez on Monday released the steamy, sexy music video for her Revival single "Hands To Myself," featuring some handsy, make-out scenes with a beefy dude that's likely to ruffle the feathers of Justin Bieber.

Alek Keshishian, best known for his work on the documentary Madonna: Truth or Dare, directed the video, which depicts Gomez as a crazy stalker who not only has a collage of pictures of co-star Christopher Mason's head plastered on her wall, but also goes as far as to break into his house and wear his cloths.

She seductively strips down throughout his house until she's wearing nothing but a clean, black bra and pair of underwear before rummaging through his closet and watching the movies of the presumed actor. It goes beyond that though, as she basically pleasures herself (as the song title and chorus have previously suggested) to the thought of him being in the room, splicing shots of Mason's cut abs all over her.

In the end, Mason comes home to find this crazy woman lying in his bed and calls the cops to have her taken away. But, then as the last scene pulls away the two are watching the arrest scene unfold on the screen in front of them as they cuddle. So either this guy has a thing for stalkers or it was all apart of a movie they were both in. Let's hope for the latter.

The real question is, what does Bieber think of all this? While not officially dating, the two have had some recent romantic encounters and Bieber has made no secret of the fact that he still has the hots for Gomez. Acting or not those are some pretty steamy scenes in the video, but maybe the two are just good a separating the two.

Watch the Apple Music exclusive video below.

Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber
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