Most Anticipated Games of 2016: Top 10 List of Next Year's Hyped PS4, Xbox One & PC Titles

With 2015 winding down, we're all looking forward to 2016, especially when it comes to new video games hitting shelves in the new year. Though we had a wild ride with this year's releases, including Star Wars Battlefront, Rainbow Six: Siege, Evolve, and more, we are way too excited for what's to come next year. We can also expect some great Beta gameplay for these new titles in 2016, but we can't wait for the main releases on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. So what video game are you most looking forward to? What's in store for fans of gaming in 2016? Let's take a look below!

Check out our most anticipated movie of 2016 right here!

Top 10 Most Anticipated Video Games of 2016:

1. XCOM 2 (PC)

Release Date: February 5

The sequel to the popular turn-based game takes us into an uncertain future where players take on the established reign of our alien rulers.

2. ReCore (Xbox One)

Release Date: Q2 2016

This is one of the more interesting new titles premiering next year, aside from a lot of reboots and sequels.

3. DOOM (Xbox One, PS4, PC)

Release Date: Q2 2016

This reboot of the popular first-person shooter is full of action, gore, monsters and plenty more, making it easily one of the most anticipated games of 2016.

4. Tom Clancy's The Division (PS4, Xbox One, PC)

Release Date: March 8

The above release date is going to be like a holiday for gamers of the world. Trust us.

5. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)

Release Date: April 26

Is this the final adventure of Nathan Drake? Probably!

6. Dark Souls III (PS4, Xbox One, PC)

Release Date: April 12

Clearly, the above video above speaks for itself. We're just here to share!

7. Battleborn (PS4, Xbox One, PC)

Release Date: February 9

Check out more information on an upcoming Beta for Battleborn right here!

8. Overwatch (PS4, Xbox One, PC)

Release Date: TBA

Have you been watching the Beta action of Overwatch? This is one of the biggest titles from Blizzard, the studio responsible for World of Warcraft.

9. Overkill's The Walking Dead (PS4, Xbox One, PC)

Release Date: TBA

Though we love the episodic games from TellTale Games, this new title from the PayDay developers is on everyone's wishlist in 2016.

10. The Last Guardian (PS4)

Release Date: TBA

We've been waiting for this game since 2009, but it looks like we're finally getting this PS4 exclusive in 2016!

Honorable mentions: Dishonored 2, Dreams, Dead Island 2, Mass Effect Andromeda, Unravel, Deus Ex: Mankind Devided

(Info. via NerdMuch / Games Radar)

Video games, Playstation 4
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