Rick Ross Hosts 8th Annual Christmas Toy Drive in Florida

It does the body (and heart!) good to see celebs stepping up to the plate to help put their surroundings communities and the communities they were born and raised in. This time it's rapper Rick Ross spreading holiday cheer with his eighth annual Christmas toy drive in Florida.

The drive took place in Fort Lauderdale in partnership with other donors who hold the same interest in making children smile that Ross does. Between the selfies, toy handouts and Ross hopping on the mic to spit a few rounds, this seemed to be a successful event all around—especially when the kids who attended were gifted with teddy bears, dolls and board games by the MMG label head.

His Christmas cheer seemed right on time, after dealing with album drama that led to his newest project Black Market being pulled from Walmart shelves after video blogger Mark Dice filed complaints with the convenience superstore chain, as well as Amazon, Target and iTunes. Dice's bone of contention was with a line in one of Ross' songs that Dice claims threatened the life of presidential candidate Donald Trump: "Assassinate Trump like I'm Zimmerman / Now accept these words as they came from Eminem / Democratic party sentenced to the pendulum / Killing them, I voted for Andre Benjamin."

The "Diced Pineapples" rapper is seemingly unbothered by the attack on the album he calls "real soulful." He goes on, "It's layered with live music. I'm on my sh*t." (And considering that the album contains guest appearances by big names in music—Mariah Carey, Future, Nas and John Legend, to name a few—he might be on to something) So rather than focusing on those workin against him, Ross chose instead to focus on the music he provided fans with on this album, his eighth, and giving back in his community during the holiday season. Ross posted on Instagram, "Gave away a few toys and took a few pics with the yungsta's... Peace."

 Gave away a few toys and took a few pics with the yungsta's... Peace #MMG

A photo posted by Ricky Rozay (@richforever) on Dec 19, 2015 at 3:19pm PST

Rick Ross
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