Cameron Crowe reveals list of potential titles for 'Almost Famous'

Nearly 14 years after the release of Cameron Crowe's classic film Almost Famous -- a story of a budding music journalist who goes on tour during the 1970s with the fictitious band Stillwater and falls in love with a groupie -- new details on film's title have been revealed.

In celebration of Empire Magazine's 300th issue, Crowe has released several handwritten lists of titles he considered for what would become Almost Famous. And thank goodness he went with "Almost Famous."

As Slate points out, most of these titles come from song lyrics, song titles and album names. For example, "Tangerine" is a Led Zeppelin song and "My Back Pages" is a Bob Dylan track.

Check out the full list of options below (see the handwritten versions beneath them via TheUncool), and let us know if you think he went with the right choice in the comments section!

"Dancing on the Page"
"My Back Pages"
"A Thousand Words"
"Songs for Beginners"
"Rewind Forward"
"Rewind to the End"
"Mixes to Myself"
"Rock Mix"
"My Opening Farewell"
"Original Cover"
"Rock School"
"1000 Words"
"On the Way Home"
"In Thru the Outdoor"
"Pictures & Pages"
"Pictures on the Page"
"The Three of Us"
"Rewind the Page"
"Goin' Back"
"Words by Heart"
"Words Can't Say"
"Words for You"
"Words Get in the Way"
"Words in a Distance"
"Words of a Song"
"Words on Fire"
"Words or Music?"
"Words and Music"
"Momentarily Uncool"
"Wish Me Luck"
"Words Fail Me"
"Written in My Soul"
"Song for Penny"
"Suitable Rubies"
"Breakfast at Noon"
"Days of Future Passed"
"Before I Forget"
"Hotel Kisses"
"Real Uncool"
"Late for Breakfast"

Cameron Crowe
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