Fabolous Gives 7-Year-Old Son Johan the Coolest Christmas Gifts Ever!

Over the Christmas holiday, numerous celebs outdid themselves when it came to gifting their loved ones with some of the best gifts. The Young OG Project 2 rapper Fabolous was at the top of the pack as he gifted his 7-year-old son, Johan, with the coolest Christmas gifts ever! The doting father took to Instagram and shared with followers how he decided to give his son's room an epic makeover.

Fabulous' son Johan woke up to a wrestling fan's dream. According to his father, the boy is an avid watcher of WWE and loves wrestling. So what did the "She Wildin" rapper do? Fabulous revamped Johan's entire room and gifted him with a customized bed fashioned exactly like a wrestling ring. Needless to his son was over the moon despite not receiving all the pieces in time due to shipping delays.

Fabulous shared, "My son is obsessed wit WWE wrestling so what do I do? Re-do his room & Turn his bed into a wrestling ring!! Couple things didn't ship in time for Xmas but the Ring Bed was the main attraction & he was beyond happy. But expect more pics when the rest of the stuff comes in. Cuz his room gon be LIT!! We 3 matches in & I'm exhausted but his smiles are more than worth it!! #MerryChristmas#PrinceJoso".

A photo posted by Fabolous (@myfabolouslife) on Dec 25, 2015 at 7:06pm PST

In addition to gifting his oldest with a new customized bedroom, he also received a miniature Rolex watch specifically fitted to his tiny wrist.

A photo posted by Fabolous (@myfabolouslife) on Dec 25, 2015 at 5:21pm PST

Fabulous' youngest son, Jonas, who he and longtime girlfriend Emily B gave birth to over the summer, wasn't exempt from the fun. The little toddler received tiny Bathing Ape apparel and an adorable Ferrari scooter.

A photo posted by Fabolous (@myfabolouslife) on Dec 26, 2015 at 4:49pm PST

Fat boy in a Ferrari... #PrinceJonas A photo posted by Fabolous (@myfabolouslife) on Dec 26, 2015 at 7:20pm PST

It looks like it was a Merry Christmas indeed in the Jackson household.

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