Did Aphex Twin Just Drunkenly Upload New Track? ‘T17 Phase Out’ is Streaming Now [LISTEN]

Richard D. James, better known as Aphex Twin, may have just drunkenly uploaded a new track to his Soundcloud. The enigmatic electronic producer shared "T17 Phase Out" earlier this week with the caption "i prolly i shntnde downoied thi coz im drunki m ena uploaded..," Pitchfork reports. Listen to it below.

The new glitchy, brooding track follows his alter ego AFX's Orphaned Deejay Selek (2006-2008) EP which dropped this past summer. It's thus worth noting that the producer has assigned the new track the #AFX hashtag.

It is also worth noting that you won't find the new Aphex Twin track simply by searching Soundcloud for the artist's name. And now it's become abundantly clear that following the producer on every music sharing service and social media platform on earth isn't enough, either.

That's because "T17 Phase Out" was posted by mysterious Soundcloud user18081971. Nowhere on the account explicitly attributes the 12 tracks uploaded to the account as of now to Aphex Twin.

In the place where most artists include a brief bio or at least a link to an official website or an email or anything relevant to the artist and their work at all, James has linked to a comedic anti-marijuana PSA. Below the link is the message "just remember its not ok to smoke weed but it is ok to be horrible to your family, friends and schoolmates."

Of course, this is not the first time James has created a "secret" Soundcloud account. Just this past May, he shared a bundle of tracks via user48736353001, only to soon thereafter disable that account, move everything over to YouTube for a spell, then create this new account for a whole new bundle of tracks.

Whether the producer has actually kicked-off his New Year's Eve celebrations a bit early or not is anyone's guess. However, as SPIN points out, the artist's enigmatic tendencies are likely more to blame (err, thank) than too much eggnog.

In the past, James has successfully trolled listeners (including journalists) into believing that his six-year-old son was responsible for a number of tracks he had uploaded shortly following the release of Syro. As DIY Magazine had reported at the time, James had asserted "I never showed him a thing, he worked it all out himself, mind boggling," but that doesn't make it true. Unfortunately, those tracks are no longer streaming anywhere, but the tale lives on.

Aphex Twin
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