Blink-182's Travis Barker Performs Set Against Medical Advice to Seek Hospital Care

In true punk rock style, Blink-182's Travis Barker reportedly performed an entire set this past Saturday (January 2), for his #GiveTheDrummerSome residency at Hyde Bellagio in Las Vegas, against medical advice to seek hospital care immediately.

When Barker came down with a 104-degree fever, paramedics were called to examine him, pleading with the drummer to go to a hospital rather than proceed with his set. According to his recent Facebook post, he responded by determinedly stating, “I'm playing till I either pass out, throw up or die.”

"Thanks to everybody that came to Hyde Bellagio this past Saturday for the show and sound check," he stated in the post. "I had a 104 temp and was severely nauseous and dizzy. The paramedics demanded I not play and go to the hospital asap. I said I'm playing till I either pass out, throw up or die. Met so many of you guys at sound check that came from Mexico, Australia, etc. and there was no way I was gonna let you guys down. I got thru my entire set and I appreciate all the love."

Barker has demonstrated his strong character in more ways than one as of late, recently opening up about his struggles with painkiller addiction following a plane crash that could have left him for dead. Through it all, he persevered and is still writing with Blink-182 and performing with a number of different bands.

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It has since been reported by Barker that the newly formed trio have at least five new songs recorded, meaning that the impending release could very well see the light of day in 2016.

Travis Barker, Blink-182, Matt Skiba, Tom Delonge
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