Chris Christie Says Hillary Clinton Would Rip Marco Rubio's Heart Out in the General Election

Chris Christie is a fighter. After being told to drop out of the race by The New York Times, and being downgraded to the pre-debate stage, many thought Christie's chances in the Republican primaries were essentially nixed. However, Christie has showed remarkable resilience, and has made huge inroads in New Hampshire. The candidate went from an afterthought to a serious contender for the establishment position in this tight race. Some attribute this success to Christie's "no nonsense" approach, and his ability to eschew political correctness to make a point. In keeping with these trends, Christie shared his opinions about Senator Marco Rubio's viability in the general election. Christie asserts that Hillary Clinton would "cut [Rubio's] throat out."

"This isn't my first rodeo," Christie said in an interview on Wednesday. "And if Marco Rubio thinks by putting out a couple of negative ads on me that somehow he's going to intimidate me it just shows how inexperienced" and "unprepared" the senator is to take on Hillary Clinton.

He said that whoever faces Mrs. Clinton, who is now leading the polls of the Democratic field, must be someone "who has been through the wars. Not somebody who's a first-term United States senator who has never had a tough race in his life. This guy's been spoon-fed every victory he's ever had in his life."

He went on: "That's the kind of person that we want to put on stage against Hillary Clinton? I don't think so. She'll pat him on the head and then cut his heart out."

Senator Rubio laughed off Christie's comments, calling into question his record in New Jersey and viability as a presidential candidate. "Chris has a very liberal record for a Republican," he said. "I mean he supported Common Core. He ran for office as a supporter of gun control. He personally gave a contribution to Planned Parenthood. So I'm sure he doesn't really want to have a conversation about the issues because the truth is our next president has to be someone who's going to overturn all the damage Barack Obama has done to America, not continue it."

Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, Hillary Clinton
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