In commemoration of the late Lemmy Kilmister of Motorhead, a staggering 2010 performance of the band's classic track, "Ace of Spades," featuring Guns N' Roses' Slash, as well as Foo Fighters' Dave Grohl, has been making its rounds.
The rip-roaring performance is one of the best live-documented versions of the song, at least according to opinion, with three of rock and roll's greatest icons tearing through every riff and solo, with Lemmy's raspy vocals blaring the lyrics as intensely as ever. Bobby Schneck, who was then Slash's rhythm-guitarist, was also featured on the cover.
The performance took place at the 2010 Revolver Golden Gods Awards, which "focuses on honoring hard-rock and heavy-metal musicians" according to Rolling Stone. That evening, Grohl presented Kilmister with a Lifetime Achievement Award, which coincided with a historic backstage interview between the two rock stars. "If there's one band that everyone I know loves, it's Motörhead," Grohl said. "[It] doesn't matter if you love rock & roll, you love Chuck Berry, you love punk rock ... "
He then nods Kilmister personally by stating "Every musician wishes he were you" before the two start to joke around about how lead guitarists suck (mind you, both musicians are technically lead guitarists).
Lemmy died on December 28 at the age of 70 due to a brief 2-day battle with cancer, as well as an existing hematoma and the presence of an implantable defibrillator.
Both Slash and Dave Grohl have separately tributed the metal frontman in recent weeks, with Grohl even getting a tattoo in his memory. Slash performed a recent cover of "Ace of Spades" during one of his solo sets, which may have been one of his last for the foreseeable future as Guns N' Roses are slated to reunite for Coachella Music & Arts Festival this year.
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