NBA Players Reflect on Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Twitter

Today is the day we honor one of the most important people in history, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Accordingly, NBA stars have taken to Twitter to reflect on the man, this celebratory holiday of his life and work, and of course the importance to remember Dr. King's dream. Check out what some of the biggest players in the world had to say about the Civil Rights icon below.

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In recent years, America has been racially charged with incidents involving protests, arrests and, unfortunately, deaths. We know that this is an important person to look to in modern times, so it's a great step for NBA players to take in regards to spreading King's message.

USA Today has a wonderful piece on this, with some quotes from star players.

"It's not a written rule, but it's a must-do when you're a player here," Vince Carter, currently of the Memphis Grizzlies, said of visiting the National Civil Rights Museum. "You're in Memphis, and that's one of the things that you're supposed to do. I don't care of your color, creed, or any of that, it's a part of American history. ... It's just something you should educate yourself on."

You can check out some of the Twitter posts of NBA stars right here (via Dime Bag):

The NBA also released this special video on YouTube:

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