Kris Jenner on Relationship With O.J. Simpson & Nicole Brown Before 'American Crime Story'

The infamous O.J. Simpson murder trial rocked the nation back in 1995 and now the story is being retold two decades later in a FX series. Before American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson premieres tomorrow, close friend Kris Jenner opened up about her relationship with O.J. and Nicole Brown Simpson. The reality "momager" shed light on the couple before the incident took place and how it affected her family.

While millions of viewers were enthralled by the O.J. murder trial from afar, as the media released countless images, footage, and details relating to the case, Jenner's connection to the people involved made the horrific incident extremely personal. The 60-year-old television personality and business woman was introduced to O.J. and Nicole through her late ex-husband, Robert Kardashian, when she just 17-years-old. Kardashian was O.J.'s close friend and lawyer. Their first meeting ultimately blossomed into a strong friendship.

Jenner revealed the death of her close friend still haunts her to this day. She has vivid memories of the times they all shared together, which included nearly 20 years of the Kardashians and Simpsons vacationing with their children together, celebrating birthdays, and helping each other through life's ups and downs. Unfortunately, Jenner and Nicole planned to have lunch together the day her body was found.

A photo posted by People Magazine (@peoplemag) on Jan 27, 2016 at 7:48am PST

"I went to bed one night and I woke up the next morning and my entire universe had changed," Jenner told People. "They were two of the best friends I ever had in my entire life. They were my family. O.J. was like my big brother. So I not only mourned the loss of Nicole, but I mourned the loss of O.J. and that relationship."

O.J. and Nicole were married for seven years after marrying in 1985. In 1989, Nicole pleaded no contest to spousal abuse in 1989 and later filed for divorce in 1992, citing "irreconcilable differences." On June 12, 1994, Nicole and her friend Ronald Goldman were killed at her Los Angeles home. She was received multiple stab wounds to her head and neck.

During the 1995 trial, which lasted nine months, O.J. was tried and acquitted for their murder. A jury later found him liable for their deaths in a civil law suit brought on by both of the victims' families. According to People, Jenner was unaware of the domestic abuse, citing she first heard about it during the trial.

"I saw all the pictures and the police reports and I heard tapes of Nicole calling 911 [after she was abused by O.J.]," Jenner said. "That was stuff I didn't know anything about. I beat myself up because I felt like I wasn't paying attention. Like, how did I miss this? But that's typical in an abusive relationship - that the woman doesn't speak out about how she's being treated."

Jenner hopes the forthcoming FX series will help bring attention and awareness to domestic violence. Although the series is expected to open up old wounds, Jenner believes it's important for the new generation of women to know Nicole's story and learn that their voice matters.

The first episode of American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson debuts on Tuesday (Feb. 2) at 10 p.m. ET on FX.

Kris Jenner, American Crime Story: The People v O.J. Simpson, O.J. Simpson
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