Day Above Ground might have crafted the most racist song of the year (if not of all time) with their sing-songy track "Asian Girlz." As you can imagine, the song focuses on the Asian ethnicity and how the band really loves them. It is definitely supposed to be a parody song, but the lyrics involved are incredibly insensitive and turn the joke into a list of stereotypes.
This rap/rock band (apparently stuck in 1997) might have written this terrible song, but to top it off they made an equally racist music video with Asian model Levy Tran. The young model has since taken to her Twitter account to apologize for her involvement with this controversial song:
I sincerely apologize to all who feels that I set Asian women back 50 yrs. I know I lost respect from a lot of ppl. It wasn't my intention
- Levy Tran (@MissLevy) July 31, 2013
It was meant to be light hearted and fun. Satirical. They are sweet boys and not at all racist. That is all I will say. I'm sorry once again - Levy Tran (@MissLevy) July 31, 2013
Day Above Ground released an apology after the receiving countless amounts of criticism for the song:
"We appreciate all the criticism and support. Our song "Asian Girlz" was not written with any malicious, hateful, or hurtful intent. We know it is racy and does push the boundaries further than other songs out there. Understand that we do not promote or support racism or violence. We love everyone no matter what race, religion, or sexual orientation. Please respect our decision to delete any violent, insensitive, or hurtful comment and also one that supports racism. We hope that we can continue with our lives with much love and peace."
The band also released another apology that tried to explain the intent of the song:
"This song is us, Day Above Ground, making fun of ourselves (and many, many other guys) obsession with the always lovely, Asian Woman. It pushes this concept to an absurd level, but at the same time is endearing & submissive.. WE ARE NOT RACIST, HAHA! I mean, look at our band, it's multicultural!! The guy in the bow-tie, our cutie bass player, was born in Indonesia, and he steals the show!! Please don't take this tongue-in-cheek tribute to some of the most gorgeous women on the planet too seriously!! You'll ruin the fun of it all!! Thanks for watching, sincerely!!"
Check out the music video for "Asian Girlz" right here and let us know if you agree with pretty much everyone else that it is racist:
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