Soundcloud Adds New Stations Feature with Continuous Music Play for iOS and Android

In the wake of Soundcloud recently adding a brand new feature to its site, top 50 lists for over 30 genres, on Tuesday (Feb. 2), it added yet another huge feature to their site called Stations. This new feature, now available for both iOS and Android platforms, will allow users to take songs they've liked on Soundcloud and ultimately create radio stations that continuously play music based upon their likes and taste in music.

According to Soundcloud's official blog page, "Stations is a new way to discover the tracks you've never heard anywhere else, making it easy to tap into a long stream of music related to your Likes." The article went on to state, "A station can be generated from any track, search term, content stream or your Collection. Pull up the menu from any one of those four and select the "Start Station" option. We'll pull from the 100 million plus tracks on SoundCloud to bring you an endless stream of awesome audio."

The addition of Stations will continue to change the way people find new music on Soundcloud. Users can go to songs on Soundcloud that they've heard before and liked, and Soundcloud will continuously play music similar to the song you started your "station" with. When listening to your station and you hear something you've never heard before, you'll be able to see the track that is playing and now, you've found new music that you might not have found otherwise.

Other online streaming platforms such as iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, all provide some sort of "station" in one way or another; iTunes with Apple Radio (which is no longer free), Spotify and their radio station feature, and Pandora acting as an online radio station, which Soundcloud's new Stations feature most closely resembles, however, Soundcloud's feature is the only one that will pull new, undiscovered music from its more than 100 million track catelog, separating its functionality from the rest.

Soundcloud has kicked off 2016 with a bang so far, and today's announcement of Stations has just added to their strong 2016 campaign.

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