11 Initial Thoughts On The Pixies "Silver Snail" Video

Today, the Pixies released the video for its song "Silver Snail," from its new album Indie Cindy. Here are all of my thoughts on the video after watching it just one time.

1. There's no way his hair can be real.

2. As soon as I wrote down my previous observation, he removes his hair and reveals it as a wig, so I guess I was right.

3. I suppose I haven't been listening too closely to any of the new Pixies stuff, because this doesn't sound very Pixies to me at all, especially Black Francis' voice. I guess he's getting too old to be shrieking the way he did back on "Tame."

4. I'm not really digging all of the slow motion. I feel like this would all be way creepier and more surreal if they shot it straight. Plus, there's no way the Pixies can ever outdo the video for "Velouria" in the slow-motion department.

5. The guy with the green mask and googly eyes looks like a flatworm that somehow grew a human body.

6. I wonder just how sick this actor got from being shirtless for an extended period of time in (what I'm assuming were) sub-freezing temperatures. I probably would have done it too, though, if it meant I could be in a Pixies video, but the Pixies aren't even in it.

7. Actually, I'm just now realizing that the people in the masks might be the Pixies. If they are, that's pretty cool, but if not, I'm very disappointed.

8. Is this video just a visual representation of the lyrics? There was a line about brides and grooms, and the masked people were wearing what looked like brides gowns. Then, some guy carrying a gun walked into frame at the line "loaded gun," and now the main guy is being tied down in a room with sunlight pouring in as Black Francis is singing, "In a room with a light bulb sun." This is starting to remind me of the video for Men At Work's "Down Under."

9. Now they're putting a bag over his head, which might be an allusion to "Bagboy." Or not, maybe I'm looking too much into all of this.

10. When he puts the wig back on, it looks a lot like the one that Bradford Cox was wearing during Deerhunter's performance on Jimmy Fallon.

11. Now that the video's over, I can say that this song...is not very good. Again, I've stayed away from the Pixies' new stuff, mostly because everyone says it's awful, and I guess everyone was right. Where's the violence? Where's the screaming? Where are the weirdo guitar riffs? Maybe the other new songs are better, but probably not by much.

Pixies, The Pixies
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