'Born to be Blue' or 'Miles Ahead' [TRAILERS] Which Jazz Legend Biopic Movie Should You See?

When it comes to biopic movies, the film industry has to deal with a number of different projects based on the same subject, but in 2016, we have a more unique issue: two separate films about two jazz icons. Both Miles Davis and Chet Baker are widely considered the two top jazz trumpet players of all time, with many debates between music enthusiasts arguing for one or the other to be named number one. This year, Don Cheadle is making his directorial debut in Miles Ahead, a biopic on Davis. Meanwhile, Ethan Hawke is portraying Baker in Born to Be Blue, which has a release date very close to Cheadle's project. The question is: which one are you willing to see in theaters? Check out the trailers below to help with your decision.

If you are more of a fan of one of these musicians, we assume you'd most likely want to see the biopic of your favorite artist - unless you think movies like these tarnish the real people's names or something like that. But, without having a bias towards the subjects, we can still figure out which is the better biopic to watch.

Miles Ahead has an on-the-nose name, while Born to be Blue is a direct homage to Baker's legend rather than a quirky play on words. So, point to Hawke's project on this!

Since this is Cheadle's first time directing, and he's starring as the music icon, you might think one or the other is lacking. Fortunately, the film's been getting rave reviews, so you don't have to worry about that. Plus, Born to be Blue director Robert Budreau isn't exactly a household name, but reviews are good, so this category is a wash - which is a good thing for both movies!

As far as star appeal goes, these two leading men are about equal, with Cheadle being a little more relevant thanks to his Showtime series House of Lies. Add in Ewan McGregor as the music journalist following Miles around in this movie and you have a winning team. Hawke has a great supporting cast, and even a Miles Davis of his own - but the actor is clearly carrying this movie. So Miles Ahead has a bit more star power.

If you're interested in the plots of these films, they're very similar. Head over to Slash Film's coverage of Miles Ahead and Born to be Blue to get an idea.

Plus, watch the trailers for these biopics right here:

Miles Ahead

hits theaters on April 1. Born to be Blue has a March 25 release date. Which are you planning to see?

Miles Davis, Ethan Hawke, Don Cheadle
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