Britney Spears Endorses Hillary Clinton? Not So Fast...

Britney Spears may not be the most political pop star out there, and it seems like she's trying to keep her 2016 endorsements private. Thursday night (Feb. 19), Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton stopped by Spears' Las Vegas show Britney: Piece of Me while campaigning in Nevada. The two shared a sweet photo of their visit, but Spears wasn't so quick to say #ImWithHer.

Spears and Clinton seemed to meet before Spears' Thursday night show and both shared some snapchats of their time together. And while Spears seemed enamored with Clinton, she fell just a little short of an official endorsement - or rather, she posted one and later recanted the hashtag.

"Being in Vegas for #PieceOfMe is amazing for so many reasons... Especially today... because I had the incredible opportunity to meet @HillaryClinton!! Such an inspiration and beautiful voice for women around the world!!! This woman had an intense presence and I felt very honored to meet her!!!" Spears wrote in her Instagram photo.

But, that wasn't the original caption. According to ABC News, she had also posted #ImWithHer but erased the phrase.

A photo posted by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on Feb 18, 2016 at 10:51pm PST

Unlike her fellow music superstars like Katy Perry, Demi Lovato and Jennifer Lopez, it seems like Spears is staying away from politics for now.

Clinton was in Las Vegas campaigning ahead of the Nevada caucuses, which are set to take place on Saturday, Feb. 20.

Britney Spears, Hillary Clinton
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