Yoko Ono: the Beatles Did Not Break Up Because of Me, and Paul McCartney is Cool!

It's been over 45 years since the Beatles broke up, but some fans of the legendary rock act still can't help but blame John Lennon's wife Yoko Ono for breaking up the band. And, once and for all, Ono is setting the record straight.

Following the release of her new album Yes, I'm a Witch Too, Ono teamed up with Us Weekly for their "25 Things You Didn't Know About Me" feature. In the Ono-penned list, we learned that she loves ice cream but hasn't had any in "years," that she will never get a face-lift and that her secret to "eternal youth" is an ice cold bath every single day.

But, the biggest tidbit that Ono revealed is, seriously, she did not break up the Beatles. Her 24th item read: "I had nothing to do with breaking up the Beatles. And I think Paul McCartney is a pretty cool dude."

Ono has long been a rumored reason for the Beatles' split. According to legend, Lennon insisted on bringing Ono in to the recording studio, causing added tension in the band and, eventually, leading to their split.

Of course, away from the big Beatles reveal, we learned a few other things about Ono along the way. She smoked cigarettes for 15 years but never inhaled, she didn't start wearing makeup until she was 50 and Ono is happiest when wearing black or white (though she has tried to rock purple and pink in the past). In her 83 years, Ono has certainly become a fascinating woman.

[h/t SPIN]

Yoko Ono, The Beatles
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