Kim Kardashian took a trip down memory lane and invited fans into a special moment she shared with Kanye West during one of their first dates together. On Monday (Feb. 29), the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star posted a video to her personal app/website of the couple enjoying each other's company in a giant toy store. Watch them let loose!
The video shows the lovebirds on an outing at FAO Shwarz (once one of the oldest toy stores in America, specializing in unique high-end items) in New York back in April 2012. Kim and Kanye recreated Tom Hanks' infamous scene from the 1988 film Big, where the actor played "Chopsticks" on the toy store's huge electronic piano mat.
The 35-year-old California native, who also shared a clip of the nostalgic moment to her social media accounts, is first seen joyfully prancing around on the ginormous interactive instrument. Each touch to the keys with her feet illuminate and instantly deliver a sound. The "All Day" rapper joined her, looking just as excited to release his musical talents.
"This video was from when Kanye and I went to FAO Schwarz and played piano together," Kim told her followers, according to Complex. "Our friend Joyce Bonelli took the vid. This was actually one of our first dates!"
Before embarking on a romantic relationship that spring, Kim and Kanye were close friends for several years, according to People. Their friendship dates all the way back to 2007. Fast forward seven years later, the couple exchanged vows in a lavish wedding ceremony in Florence, Italy.
They are now one of the most talked about couples in the entertainment industry. Now in 2016, Kim and Kanye are the proud parents of their two-year-old daughter North and three-month-old Saint.
If you subscribe to Kim's app/website, you can find the full video here.
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