The Best Musical Vines Are Made by One Talented Bird Named Coo [VIDEOS]

When it comes to musical Vines, there's no better account than Coo, which features amazing loop videos of a talented yellow-crested cockatoo that lives in Japan. Though the bird's main instrument seems to be the keyboard, this account also shows Coo showing off his percussion and DJ skills! Check out a handful of these Vine videos below.

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Coo's beak is, in this journalist's opinion, comparable to Keith Richards' index finger and therefore should be insured for loads of money just like the Rolling Stones guitarist's digit. This handsome devil of a bird is a multi-instrumentalist, with some vocals comparable to his interspecies cousins, the song birds.

Not only does Coo play the keyboard, but he's clearly able to switch between settings on his Casio to make very different compositions in new timbres. Check out the first selection of Vine videos right here:

While the keyboard sounds are fine examples of Coo's percussion prowess, let's bring out the real thing ... or, at least let's put a pot in front of the bird. Check out some percussive Vine Video right here:

Coo certainly enjoys his rock n' roll beats, keyboard melodies and bell solos, but he's definitely checking out the hip-hop world as well. Don't believe us? Check out DJ Coo getting his scratch on right here:

If you ask me, there will never be enough Vine videos of Coo and his musical musings. While other Vine "stars" use song clips or perform a perfectly looped melody, Coo is breaking down walls and challenging the status quo that says that birds can't play keyboard or become a DJ, or, you know, something like that.

We're ready for Coo to headline Coachella 2017!

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