Jay Z Allegedly Delaying Paternity Testing of Rymir Satterthwaite

A family rights organization is accusing Jay Z of purposely delaying the process of taking a paternity test to officially establish whether he is in fact the biological father of Rymir Satterthwaite.

According to a Centric report, Family Civil Liberties Union is the family rights organization interceding on behalf of 22-year-old Satterthwaite in the pending DNA testing of the Roc Nation executive. Reportedly, Jay Z, whose real name is Shawn Carter, has been "playing the system" by allowing his lawyers to create stall tactics that the organization describes as "false battles and artificial conflict."

Gregory T. Roberts, president of the Family Civil Liberties Union, reached out to Carter's lawyers to gain answers as to why their client continues to delay taking the DNA test.

"If Jay Z is innocent, I'm curious why you don't advise him to take the paternity test rather than create false battles and artificial conflict with an upstanding not-for-profit," wrote Roberts.

Carter's delay in cooperating with the DNA testing was also reported back in June of 2015, when Satterthwaite was just in the beginning stages of growing frustrated with the rapper, according to IBT. During an interview, Sattertwaite explained how the whole process required a lot of "running around," gathering information and paying money to continue, causing a financial hardship for he and his family.

Growing angrier as the days went by from the lact of results and his lack of funds, the then 21-year-old sought the help of supporters and organizations.

Family Civil Liberties Union believes that Carter's lawyers are very well connected to the right politicians and judges, which is why this case has been dragging on for so long without any major change. Roberts expressed this opinion in a portion of his statement sent to Carter's lawyers.

"In turn, you seem determined to create a frivolous legal blizzard of subpoenas in a futile attempt to find some hidden treasure trove of information that we don't have," he stated. "This case appears to involve a politically connected law firm that leverages the legal system as a sword and, through cozy relations with judges and politicians, receives a sweetheart deal that denies the legal rights of others."

The organization even made reference to Beyonce's recent music video for the single "Formation," which highlights the recent police brutality cases that continue to rise across America.

"Like Beyonce, who stands against police officers who overstep their power, we stand against lawyers who seek an unfair advantage with friendly judges and legally abuse adversaries seeking fairness in the judicial system," he added.

Carter continues to avoid the DNA testing and has never publicly acknowledged Satterthwaite's accusations.

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